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Frustrated with the lack of 'decent' men in the dating pool?  

It's time to learn how to 'Uncover'.

TRUTH: We can put so much into our hair, clothing, makeup, fitness… Everything we believe it takes to BE attractive, but unless we really understand WHO and HOW we are attracting, none of that even matters!

REALITY: About 80% of the men a commitment-minded woman meets, will NOT be a good fit for her. Unfortunately, it can take weeks, months, sometimes years, to find out! It’s enough to make any sane woman feel like throwing up her hands and throwing in the towel!

Thankfully, 20% ARE a great fit, and one of them is her soul-satisfying, custom-fit (I found and married mine!)

HERE’S THE DISCONNECT: It can be really hard for smart, awesome women like us, to tell the difference between the ‘wrong-fit’ men who say all the ‘right’ things, and the amazing ones who really DO fit us like a glove.

Somewhere in the weeks or months-long “getting-to-know-you” phase, things start to go south. No matter how careful and discerning we try to be, the guys who seem to check all the boxes, end up wasting massive amounts of our time and energy. We’re left confused, jaded and questioning our own judgment.

IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. Life is too precious to keep repeating that cycle!

It’s time to think differently, by finally learning how to spot and uncover SERIOUS HIDDEN CUES AND PATTERNS most smart, commitment-minded women, largely miss or terribly misinterpret in the most critical stages of dating. I’m not talking about the obvious signs we all know and loathe (we’re too smart for the typical okey-doke!) I’m talking about that ‘hidden language’ nestled between the lines (despite what they say or how things appear on the surface), that can help quickly cut through the BS of the wrong ones, so we can focus time and energy on the right ones! Want to learn how? Click the button below to access my free training!